KAMUNA concert at Sophia 2011 #3

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#13 Talk:How I wrote 'Two Note Waltz'

Jobim's "One-Note Samba" inspired Takuki to compose "Two-Note Waltz".

#14 Two Note Waltz

The musical theme of the song consists only of two notes.

#15 Talk: The success(?) story of John

Takuki's next door neighbor at Kawauchi Village had a dog called John.
Takuki took him for a walk every day until the explosions at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
The villagers were all forced to evacuate to Koriyama, and pet dogs were left behind.
Ironically, the city, located farther away from the Plant than Kawauchi, proved to be more polluted with radiation. When the villagers became aware of the fact, they began to go back and forth from their shelter in Koriyama to their own houses.
Owners or neighbors fed the dogs. They were unchained and left free to roam about.
John was among them, enjoying freedom for the first time in his life.
At the end of April 2011, Takuki and his wife, who had gone back to their house in Kawasaki, returned to Kawauchi. The village was almost empty.
Takuki resumed taking John for his daily walk, and John, now unchained, ran joyfully around him.
One day, animal rescue volunteers found John, and sent him to their office. Takuki searched the Internet and found John's picture at their site as a "refugee" dog. An affluent (?) family in Tokorozawa, Saitama prefecture, took John in.
The villagers say that John has got on in his life.

#16 All of Me

Hiroharu Yoshihara played a standard jazz number with Atsuo Sakai.

#17 Talk: the story of KATAKAMUNA

There once existed an ancient civilization called KATAKAMUNA with a highly developed technology and supreme culture....

#18 The Ultimate Compound

People tend to believe in this 'visible' world. But there should be other invisible world at the same time.
All the living creatures can feel the existence of the will mastering the whole world.
And we should find the cost of the ultimate compound given us from that will.
It is falling from the sky and disappears in the soil.


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